Saturday, July 15, 2006


本以为这个假期可以快快乐乐的回国度假, 19个小时的艰苦飞行忍一忍也就过去了。可谁知由于一系列的意外原因,本应在北京时间23日晚上11点半抵达北京,被推迟到北京时间25日凌晨4点。
23日早晨6点就从Hamilton出发前往Auckland国际机场,多亏那98年的Skyline动力强劲,4个人加两个大行李箱的负重也 是一路狂飙。我是第一次开这个车,非常顺手,没想到2.0的车这么带劲~~
开始还算顺利,登上了飞往Sydney的Qantas QF164N, 经过4个半小时的颠簸,总算到达了Sydeny。 可是天公不作美,弥漫的大屋笼罩着本应降落的机场,面对大自然的力量,渺小的飞机不得不在天空一圈又一圈的盘旋,等待着雾气的散去。 飞机大约原地旋转7、8圈后,看到雾气还没有散去的意思,最后不得不迫降到Melbourne补充燃料。3小时后,当我们再次飞回Sydeny时,天空已 经是一片晴朗,终于可以顺利降落了。可是这时第一个不幸的事情发生了:我们本应乘坐的国航CA176X已经在我们降落前半小时飞走了。这下我们被滞留在那 破烂的Sydeny机场,3天的过境签证限制了我们一定要在这段时间内想到办法逃离这个印度洋的孤岛。
这是Qantas和国航开始推卸责任了。 Qantas说飞机晚点很正常,是天气原因造成的。国航说他们的飞机正点起飞,没有任何过错。结果好像错的是我们,只能在机场等候到第二天。幸好有世界杯 看,空旷无人的候机大厅总算有点乐趣。
第二天刚刚8点,我们一帮人就到国航办事处的办公室门前等候了。总算等来一个管事的,好像是个小经理。不管 那么多了,能解决问题的就是神。等我们把情况说清楚后,她就立刻联系今天飞回国内的飞机,但是国航的飞机都没有位子了。但是发现Qantas在9点有一趟 去上海的飞机。要是错过这个飞机,就要等到2天后了。时间不等人啊,我们抓紧时间换了机票就登上了飞机。
10个小时的颠簸,总算来到了上海。到了 祖国,心里就有底了,最起码不用为签证的事情担心了。但是当天晚上只有国航一班飞机去北京,而且还要我们自负机票。我们的机票本来已经包括去北京的行程了 啊,为什么要再买一份?没办法,就认倒霉吧,要不然还不知何年何月才能回家。可谁知我们再一次被天气愚弄了。这架本应降落的飞机由于上海的雷雨被迫降到了 厦门!我们还能干什么?只有等阿~
4个小时过后,飞机总算来了。可是当所有乘客登上飞机后,乘务员又说目的地(北京)有雷阵雨,不能降落。所以我 们又要在上海等到北京的雨停了在起飞。天啊!我得罪谁了?老天就是跟我的飞机不去?困意终于占领了我那疲惫的大脑,不管飞机走不走了,先睡一觉再说。
朦 胧中隐约听到飞机要起飞的声音,揉揉眼睛,原来已经2小时过去了。

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

iRiver H10 5/6GB firmware

Original from

H10 MTP (PFD) firmware

An H10 player with Media Transfer Protocol (MTP) firmware is recognized as a portable device (e.g., "Windows Portable devices") by default. MTP is a key technology for PlaysForSure-compatible devices (PFD). Therefore, MTP mode has more compatibility with online music services than UMS. Although you can still access the content of the player working on MTP mode, the access is so limited that no application can access directly media database files. However, you can change the player mode from MTP to UMS temporarily by the UMS Trick. If you have MTP 2.51 firmware installed in your player, "PFD INITIALIZE" are displayed at the right bottom in a boot screen.

H10 UMS firmware

An H10 player with a Universal serial bus Mass Storage class (UMS) firmware is always recognized as an external HDD (e.g., "RIVER Mass Storage Device") by an operating system. Windows 98SE/2000/ME/2000 automatically assigns a drive letter (e.g., "D:") to the player. You can copy your music files or whatever freely as if you were handling a storage media. UMS mode has less compatibility with online music services, but we can transfer DRM-protected WMA files via iriver plus or Windows Media Player 10. Players working on UMS mode are compatible with a number of operating systems that support USB storage devices.

H10 5/6GB MTP 2.51 firmware to UMS 2.51

Before start:

  • This guide is only for H10 5GB and 6GB models. There's no UMS firmware released for H10 20GB models.
  • Installing UMS firmware into MTP player and vice versa are not guaranteed by the manufacturer (iRiver). Do it at your own risk.
  • Be sure to charge the battery fully in advance so that the player will not lose the power during the procedure.
  • Do not omit a process. Above all, do not copy a boot loader (BL_H10.rom) and firmware (H10.mi4) file at the same time.
  • This tutorial assumes H10 player to be recognized as "G:" drive by a PC. Replace "G:" in this tutorial to the drive letter with which your player is recognized.
  • Configure the folder option in advance to see hidden folders with Explorer.
  • Procedure

    1. Use the UMS trick and connect the player to a PC with “Emergency Connect” mode. To enter UMS mode with the player off connect player to computer via usb. Disconnect battery for a second or so. Re-connect the battery and press and hold the "o" button and at the same time press the power button. You're now in UMS mode.

    2. Copy the boot loader (BL_H10.rom) into the root folder (G:\) of the player.

    3. Disconnect the player. The player will still boot in MTP mode at this moment.

    4. Do nothing but connect the player without the UMS trick.

    5. After the player is recognized as a MTP device, just disconnect the player. The player will show a message “Firmware Upgrade” and the boot loader will be updated.

    6. Connect the player without the UMS trick because it now works on UMS mode by default.

    7. Enter “G:\System” into the address bar of Explorer to open the hidden folder.

    8. Copy the firmware (H10.mi4) into the folder (“G:\System”).

    9. Disconnect the player. The player will be woking with the UMS firmware. However, you may get an error: “DB Open Error. Connect iriver plus And DB Update”. Don’t worry about this error because a media database generated in MTP mode is not compatible with UMS mode. Use iriver plus or EasyH10 to recover this error.

    Database reconstruction with EasyH10

    1. Connect the player to the PC.

    2. Transfer music files into “G:\Media\Music” folder. If you have already transferred music files when the player was working on MTP mode, you may just move all music files from “G:\Music” folder to “G:\Media\Music” folder.

    3. Run EasyH10. Make sure to use an appropriate UMS model template.

    4. After EasyH10 completes the processing, disconnect and enjoy the H10 2.51 UMS player.

    Windows Media Play synchronize music files to the player:
    1. Connect the player to your computer via USB cable
    2. The computer will find the new hardware and jump a window for choose sync with Windows Media Player, RealPlayer or no action. Double click Windows Media Player.
    3. Choose the music you want to copy the player and add them to the sync list.
    4. start sync. If Windows Media Player ask "Your device's clock must be updated before the device can play protected files that have an expiration date. Do you want Windows Media Player to update the clock? " select cancel.
    5. Wait until all of the sync music to the player.
    6. This is the most important step: enjoy your music:-)

    Copy music to H10 UMS frimware

    The UMS H10 can be used as a removable disk. You can copy music files to the player straight away just like copy normal files to a removable disk. However, like iPod, the player can not add all of the new files to the music library automatically. It need database reconstruction by easyH10 or iRiver plus. (Just like iPod need iTune)